Transforming Financial Models with Natural Language Search

With Coseer, a finance firm with $1 trillion in assets found 12% more insights 30X faster than a human team.

Expand Your Reach Into Market News in Depth and Breadth

Just point at your data sources and shoot. Coseer delivers actionable insights for your stock portfolio from three million docs in real time.

Automate Redaction of Information for GDPR or CCPA Compliance

Coseer does more than find answers. It also automates redaction and compliance for complete security of your customers' information.

Turbo-Charge Your Analysis by Including Unstructued Data

McKinsey predicts that 2/3rds of the opportunity in finance requires advanced AI. Add depth to your analysis by unlocking unstructured data.

Our customers have been in your shoes.

Coseer delivers 2X ROI in the first year.

The WEF hails AI as “a critical aspect of the 4th industrial revolution”. Coseer can help you adapt. Tap on the model below.


Build Powerful Solutions Using Coseer

You search only to get something done. Hover to see how Coseer's NLS enables your workflows.

Building internal/ external reports

Structured knowledge management

Real time Intelligence

GDPR/ other Compliance

Scorecard based Classification

Not sure where to start?